The Hand on the Wall by Maureen Johnson

The Hand on the Wall by Maureen Johnson

The third book in the Truly Devious series, The Hand on the Wall, is just as good as the first two. In this one Stevie figures it all out, where Alice is and why and also solves Hayes, Ellie, and Dr. Fenton’s murders. I never did suspect the culprit, though once it was revealed that person and the motive totally made sense. As I neared the end of the book it forced me to stay up way too late to finish it. I didn’t even think about whether I should keep reading for “one more chapter.” My eyes just kept going completely without my permission (I wasn’t mad). I highly recommend this book to people who like YA mysteries, but read the first two books first or you will be completely lost.

5 (out of 5) Stars
Books Read in 2024: 30
Pages Read in 2024: 11,220

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Filed under Reason: Disney Challenge, Reason: Flourish & Blotts Reading Challenge, Reason: Gotta Read 'Em All, Reason: Like the Series, Reason: PopSugar Reading Challenge, Reason: Stake That TBR, Young Adult: Mystery

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