Aftershocks by Marisa Reichardt

Aftershocks by Marisa Reichardt

Aftershocks gives a relatively accurate depiction of the aftermath of a major earthquake. While I thought it was an excellent book overall, there were a couple things that bothered me. When Ruby, the main character, left the hospital no one followed her and she didn’t try to get help from any of the rescue workers outside the hospital. Instead she stumbled upon two teens who were helping with rescue efforts and just happened to be able to drive around on broken and blocked roads and get to where Ruby needed to go, quite a distance away, with relative ease. Also, I thought it kind of was tied up a little too neatly with a little bow. I feel like one of her friends remaining unaccounted for or something would have been more realistic. Other than those things, I enjoyed Aftershocks a whole lot. The way it was told in the present plus flashbacks worked well. I recommend this book to people who enjoy YA books.

4 (out of 5) Stars
Books Read in 2024: 32
Pages Read in 2024: 11,810

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Filed under Reason: Disney Challenge, Reason: Flourish & Blotts Reading Challenge, Reason: Gotta Read 'Em All, Reason: Literati, Reason: Stake That TBR, Reason: The Literary Coven, Young Adult: Thriller

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