Unfollow Me by Charlotte Duckworth

Unfollow Me by Charlotte Duckworth

Told from multiple points of view, Unfollow Me drops just enough hints throughout the book that all the reveals and twists makes sense (none come out of left field, though there was one particular plot twist I definitely didn’t see coming). It brings up questions of what is an unhealthy addiction to watching an influencer and whether children should be paraded online but it’s not preachy about what the answers are or should be. I was very invested in finding out where the book went next and found it hard to put down for the last about third of it. I highly recommend it to people who enjoy psychological thrillers.

5 (out of 5) Stars
Books Read in 2024: 35
Pages Read in 2024: 12,802

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Filed under Adult: Psychological Thriller, Reason: ABC Challenge, Reason: B&N Book Challenge, Reason: Disney Challenge, Reason: Flourish & Blotts Reading Challenge, Reason: Gotta Read 'Em All, Reason: Stake That TBR, Reason: The Literary Coven

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